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Sustainable living is about more than just recycling and using public transport. Every decision you make in your day-to-day life can impact the environment, from what you eat and how you travel to what you wear. This month, we’re thinking about how what we buy on the high street affects the planet and the people in it.

Fashion Revolution is a global movement that unites people and organisations to change the way clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that fashion is made in a safe, clean and fair way.

Their activities aim to show consumers that they have the power to make a positive change and that by making a stand, and through their buying power, they can create a more ethical and sustainable future for fashion.

Fashion Revolution Week 2019

Fashion Revolution week falls on 22 to 28 April to mark the date of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1138 people in 2013. Now, the week is used to raise awareness and in solidarity, we’re taking their cues and offering a few top tips on how to be a Fashion Revolutionary:

1. Use the hashtag: Call them out

During Fashion Revolution Week, use the hashtag #whomademyclothes to ask your favourite brands to be transparent about their production process. Send them an email or shout them out on social media to show them that it’s important to you that people working in their supply chain are seen, heard, paid properly and working in safe conditions.

2. Spread the word

Print posters, use the Fashion Revolution logos as your cover images on social media or download their action kits for more ideas on how to be a revolutionary advocate. There are lots of resources here: www.fashionrevolution.org/about/get-involved.

3. Check out an event

From clothes swaps to fashion-based hackathons and awards ceremonies, there are happenings all over the world. Click here: www.fashionrevolution.org/events to find out what’s happening near you. And if there isn’t an event in your region, hold one!

4. Use the other hashtag: Refresh your wardrobe

Avoid buying new clothes and adding to the disposable fashion epidemic: swap with a friend, buy second hand, customise or upcycle something to make it special again. Whatever you do, post it and tag it #haulternative to spread the word and inspire others.

This Fashion Revolution Week and beyond, let’s think about the decisions we make and see what impact we can make with our voice and our behaviour.


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